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Media Committee Meeting Summary 12-14-2011
14 DEC 2011
Media Committee Meeting

Attendance:  Alicia Greco, Dave Mountain, Paul Daubitz, Richard Hendrickson, Mario Carnovale
7:01 Paul Daubitz called meeting to order
Dave M. motioned to approve minutes, Richard H seconded, unanimously approved.

Vendor Presentation:
  • Mike Ridinger from Boreal Media Technologies located in Hudson NH surveyed town hall on 13 DEC 2011 and presented to committee.
  • Gary Pink from Camera Company to survey town hall on 20 DEC 2011 at 11:00 AM Mario C and Paul D to meet with him then. The Camera Company will present to committee at next scheduled meeting on 11 JAN 2012 at 7:00 PM.
  • Paul D will discuss the bidding process with Traci Blais and together they will determine if we need to do it.
Next meeting agenda:
I  Minutes
II  Vendor Presentation
III  Bidding Process
IV  Website

8:40 PM Mario motioned to adjourn, Dave M seconded, unanimously approved